These conditions must be imposed when a written application to keep an animal is received by the committee. The approval only applies to the animal in the application and does not allow the keeping of any additional replacement or substitute animals on the lot.
If an owner of an animal does not comply with the conditions imposed by this policy or written in the by-laws, the committee may withdraw approval for keeping the animal and ask that the animal be removed from the property.
1. This section sets the conditions to be met by any owner wishing to keep a dog, cat or other predatory animal at Crystal Waters.
- The animal is not allowed on the common property, except for the purpose of being taken in or out of the scheme land.
- The animal must not enter another lot.
- The animal must be in a vehicle while traversing common property.
- The animal must be contained on the lot by a fence or cage appropriate for the animal.
- The animal must not cause nuisance or interfere unreasonably with any person’s use or enjoyment of another lot or common property.
- The animal be kept in good health and free from fleas and parasites.
- Any animal waste must be disposed of in such a way that it does not create noxious odours or otherwise contaminate the scheme.
- Due consideration must be given to the fact that our property is “Land for Wildlife’ so the impacts of dogs and cats on the native wildlife must be minimised.
2. For other animals (e.g. livestock, horses, etc.), owners must comply with the Land Management Policy.